Week 2, Day 7

Grandma’s coming to stay today as Mummy has to go into work.  I think Grandma’s a bit nervous about Zen being loose around the house after having been in a cage for 6 weeks.  I just hope that she lets me have a play in the garden, like Mummy does.


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One Response to Week 2, Day 7

  1. Grandma says:

    Hi Zen and Hal
    Yes, you were both so good during my visit. Hal had lots of walks in the garden, on a lead though, and was very good when he had to go back in his cage to rest. Zen enjoyed being out of his cage. wandering free around the kitchen and out in the garden and was even good on the odd occasion when I needed to put him in his cage for a short while.
    See you again soon.

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