Mud, Mud, not so Glorious Mud!

More rain overnight led to even muddier fields today.  I always come back rather muddy after our walks, but Hal normally manages to look almost as clean as before he went out – but not today.  I wonder when the fields will dry out – why can’t they be as they were a few months ago, when we could run around everywhere without getting wet or muddy?

Here’s a couple of photos of us playing, and also one of us sleeping:

2009-12-06-01.jpg     2009-12-06-03.jpg     2009-12-06-04.jpg

2009-12-06-05.jpg     2009-12-06-06.jpg

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2 Responses to Mud, Mud, not so Glorious Mud!

  1. Suzye says:

    Does Mummy give you nice warm baths after your muddy walks? Do you think Mummy could bathe some horses? Our horses’field is mud & water, so all the white parts aren’t

  2. Hi Zen & Hal,

    My my you two are looking Brill, from the photos you would never know you two had even been operated on. Your coats although your Mummy says were muddy, they still looked lovely and glossy and you are both so so lively. Keep up the good work, your doing good boys.

    Love ya & A Big Kiss from Skye

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