Category Archives: Health

Poorly Puppy

I’ve been so poorly today – was sick during the night and have got rather liquid diarrhoea – so Mummy decided to give me the full treatment.  So, tablets this morning and evening (and for the next day), and starving … Continue reading

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We’ve got Antlers!

Our Stagbar Antler Chews turned up today.  These are bits of red deer antler with marrowbone in the middle.  They are meant to be long lasting chews which also help to clean the teeth – lets see how long they … Continue reading

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Getting Better

I’m pleased to report that I’m feeling better today, although a little weak.  I’ve eaten all of my breakfast and kept that down, and am now resting – only moving when Mummy takes me outside.  Rest is always such a … Continue reading

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Sick Little Zeenie

Poor little Zen was sick tonight.  He brought up all his food, and then after Mummy had given him some medicine he brought all that up as well.  But the medicine seems to have done the trick, and he’s settling … Continue reading

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We’ve Got New Food!

Mummy was talking to the owner of a small dog food company a few weeks ago about dog food in general and our particular requirements and he challenged Mummy to give his food a try.  He sent through 6 sample … Continue reading

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Pilo-Sebaceous Naevus, Non-Neoplastic

No, that’s not us swearing!  We’ve just got the results of the tests on Casey’s lump and that’s what he had.  For the uninformed, it means that it wasn’t a tumour after all. Casey is recovering well, almost back to … Continue reading

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Missing Casey

Casey was at the vets most of today, having his tumour removed.  The tumour was only attached to the skin, not to anything internal, and they were able to remove all of it, so we’re keeping our paws crossed that … Continue reading

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