Yippee! We’re Off On Holiday

We’re really going on holiday – a whole week with Mummy and sun, sand and sea…  What could be better?  And this time Hal is able to not just walk but run and play and swim – so much better than last year when he was in his buggy.  Can’t wait – Norfolk, here we come!

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Poorly Puppy

I’ve been so poorly today – was sick during the night and have got rather liquid diarrhoea – so Mummy decided to give me the full treatment.  So, tablets this morning and evening (and for the next day), and starving for 24 hours.  I didn’t want my tablets this morning, so Mummy had to coat them with peanut butter, but this evening I was feeling a little better so took them like the good puppy that I am.  I’m starting to get my snuggles back now…

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We were told by a dog trainer / dog whisperer today that we walk very nicely on a lead 🙂 .  Just as well he’s not seen us in the early mornings as we are heading for our field.  Still, at least we don’t show Mummy up in public!

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Ears and Paws

Mummy decided to trim our ears and paws tonight – nothing new there, but then we realised that she wanted to use those horrible metal gnashers.  She’s always done them with scissors in the past – that’s bad enough – but those metal gnashers are just so troublesome. 

Anyway, here are some photos of what we now look like:

2011-07-09-01.JPG     2011-07-09-04.JPG     2011-07-09-02.JPG

2011-07-09-09.JPG     2011-07-09-03.JPG     2011-07-09-10.JPG

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A Worthy Leader

I’m trying to prove that I’m now ready to take over as pack leader, so I caught us all a rabbit for breakfast today – Shandy’s never caught a rabbit for us.  Don’t think Mummy was too impressed, though 🙁

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We’re famous!

We’re famous!

We’ve had a quote printed in Our Dogs and our blog has been featured in the UK Welsh Springer Spaniel Club Newsletter for July.

World, here we come…

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Happy Birthday Bruvs

Our Cavie brothers are 9 years old today – Happy Birthday Shandy & Casey.

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