Monthly Archives: September 2011

Back Home

We back home today.  It’s nice to be home, but somehow our fields don’t seem as interesting as they did before we went on holiday.  When can we go away again, Mummy?

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Yet More Sand and Sea!

We had such a fun day yesterday that Mummy took us back to Wells-Next-The-Sea today.  We arrived before low tide, so there was even more sand for us to enjoy, and loads of little water streams – see the photo … Continue reading

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Loads and Loads of Sand

Mummy took us to Wells-Next-The-Sea today, and the beach was just huge!  We arrived around low tide, and it took us ages to even be able to see the sea!  But we found a lovely channel to have a play … Continue reading

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Mr & Mrs Sealy

Oh, we went to one beach today where we saw loads and loads of seals – at one point there were 5 seals all tracking us down the beach.  And Mr Sealy put on such a display for us – … Continue reading

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Running the Marathon

Not such a nice morning – rain, rain, rain.  So Mummy decided to take us to a park instead of the beach.  So off to Sheringham Park we went, where there are various nature trails that we can go on. … Continue reading

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Seal Hunting

Winterton on Sea today, and we met our first ever seal.  Oh, he was so sweet – he tracked us all down the beach, and all the way back again.  I think I like seals… And we got to play … Continue reading

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Exploring North Norfolk

We went exploring round the top of Norfolk today – old Hunstanton and Brancaster.  But it started raining in the afternoon – hey, I thought we were meant to have sun on our holiday 🙁 Mummy did get us into … Continue reading

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