Category Archives: FCP

Rapid Recovery

I wish I knew how Hal did it… Within the space of 24 hours he’s gone from a happy puppy to hardly able to walk, and back to a happy puppy again.  And he’s been stealing my toys to play … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 1 Comment

Poorly Elbow

Oh no, Hal’s done his elbow in today.  🙁 We had been out on a walk in the fields with Mummy and our Cavie brothers, and Hal was running around and bugging me as much as always.  And we met … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 1 Comment

Stair Gates

Having shown Mummy how much better I’m feeling, she agreed to leave our stair gate open today so we can go and relax in the sun in our bedroom.  It’s the first time she’s let us up there during the … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Fun, Health | 1 Comment

Bouncy Bounce

Yeah, I’ve got my bounce back!  I’m feeling so good these days that I just want to run and play.  And Zen is game to play with me – oh, it’s just so lovely being a normal puppy brother again.  … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Fun, Health | 1 Comment

Elbow Warmers

I’ve been struggling a bit with my elbow over the last couple of days.  Mummy thinks it might be because of the weather – it’s suddenly got quite a lot colder. So she’s been investigating some solutions for me, but … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 1 Comment


Mummy’s getting Zen and me passports so we never have to be left behind.  Only thing is our Cavie brothers got their passports many years ago and they’ve never been out of the UK or Republic of Ireland (which doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Fun, Health | 2 Comments

Chasing Rabbits

Mummy has let me off the lead for a short while on our walk for the last two days.  Yesterday I was well behaved, but today I saw rabbits as soon as Mummy let me off, and that was it … Continue reading

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