Week 3, Day 4

Oh dear, I think Hal and me are in trouble!

The two of us just want to play and try to fight at every opportunity.  I’m feeling so much better that I don’t think it will hurt my leg, but Mummy doesn’t believe me.  So Mummy keeps finding herself having to break up fights – no easy task as I’ve now got my strength back so can hold my own against my brother.

As I’ve been good for most of the morning, Mummy has just let me have a walk round the garden – on lead, of course, as instructed by the vet:

2009-10-10-01.jpg     2009-10-10-02.jpg

How’s this for brotherly love?

2009-10-10-03.jpg     2009-10-10-05.jpg     2009-10-10-06.jpg

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2 Responses to Week 3, Day 4

  1. Hi Zen,

    Aren’t you a clever boy. You look from the pictures as if you are taking yourself for a walk round the garden with your leash in your mouth heehee. Keep up the good work and tell Hal to play nice and gentle with you and you might get to play together more.

    Big Slobbery Kisses
    Love Skye xxxxxxxx

  2. Zen says:

    Mummy changed our roles this afternoon – she put Hal on a lead and let me have a wander around the garden off lead. She though that I would do less damage to my leg if I can walk around freely, rather than dragging her round the garden in whatever direction I want to go. And by having Hal on the lead she can keep the 2 of us apart and stop us from playing together.
    The only problem is that I then don’t want to return to my cage – but at least when I do I’m more relaxed.

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