Week 5, Day 4 / Week 1, Day 5

I’ve been trying to help Mummy clear all the leaves in the garden today – well, I thought I was helping, but Mummy doesn’t seem to agree!  It was lovely to be allowed free in the garden whilst Mummy was out there, even if Hal missed me and started crying.

Hal is making good progress – he’s been trotting round the garden and even keeps jumping up at Mummy for cuddles, much to Mummy’s protests.  I’m sure he’s trying to catch me up in terms of recovery.  He does still sleep a lot, though, inbetween his visits to the garden and playing in the cage.

I don’t think Mummy was very pleased with me this evening.  I was so bored when she took our Cavie brothers out that I ended up chewing my bed – I got through the cover to the inner cover, and got through that as well.  Apparently it was so badly damaged that she had to get her sewing machine out – something which only happens about once every 5 years according to Shandy.

But Mummy did let me spend a little time with Hal, even though it was an “arranged meeting” and she kept hold of me so there was no chance of us playing / fighting.

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