Week 4, Day 7

Mummy has noticed that I have a lump on my leg near to where I had the operation – we’re hoping it’s just fluid and will disperse in time, but she’s arranged an appointment for me with the nice vet for this evening just to be sure.

Zen stole one of my toys earlier – here’s photos of me trying to get it back:

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2009-11-16-07.jpg     2009-11-16-08.jpg     2009-11-16-09.jpg

We’ve just had an update on the baby fawn that Cousins Sparky and Gizzy found yesterday – he was taken to Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital and is doing fine.  At the present time he is in a foster home being looked after on a one to one basis.  Good luck little fawn!

I have a new toy!  I think Mummy referred to it as “your brother’s tail”, but whatever it is, it is great fun to play with and does wind Zen up rather.

2009-11-16-10.jpg     2009-11-16-13.jpg

We’re back from the vets – the nice vet thinks it’s just a bit of suture that hasn’t broken down yet (I also had a bit hanging out of my leg where they cut me, where my body was trying to expel it), but Mummy has been told to monitor it for the next 4-6 weeks.

We were weighed whilst at the vets – I’m 17.8kg and Zen is 16.9kg.

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One Response to Week 4, Day 7

  1. Grandma says:

    Hi Hal. You look as if you are having fun with Zen’s tail, but I don’t think he approves of your new toy.
    Good luck when you go to see your nice vet this evening.

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