Horses & Rain

When Mummy took us out for a walk this morning, she managed to see some horses before we did – so we were on a lead and sitting before they got near us.  Still, that didn’t stop Zen from barking at them.  But later on the walk we suddenly came across them again in a wooded section – I think Mummy was a bit worried about what we would do, but after she asked the people to stop, we just stayed still whilst she got hold of us, and then watched as they rode away – we didn’t even bark this time.

Mummy said that we were having a longer walk this morning as it was likely to rain this afternoon – and clever Mummy predicted correctly. 

Rather than take us in the fields to get all muddy this evening, Mummy put our coats on and took us exploring round all the roads near us.  After an hour we found ourselves at our local pet shop, and got all excited – until Mummy said that she didn’t have any money on her so couldn’t even buy us a treat.  We took a more direct route home, but that still took 40 minutes – through our local village.  We got to walk past fish and chip shops, and got all excited again, but still no food – so we told Mummy we would settle for the pizza take-away, but she was having none of it.  All we got was a couple of people making a fuss of us and a few aaahhhs as people watched us in our matching coats.  1 hour and 40 mins after we set out and we made it home -absolutely starving.

Still, we’ve been fed now – time for a snooze….

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4 Responses to Horses & Rain

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Still Twilight here. Lucky Skoryy got to go out in the big white thingy with poppymummy & mumma. They snuckted out while I was sleeping :(. Skorry said he moved & redid the fence to keep the Draught Horses in their field, though they weren’t trying to get out. PonyHorse is fat & is fenced in OUR haybarn. When they came back, I snuckted into the big white thingy, but poppymummy found me & made me get out. She went away, but mumma stayed with me. Tired now as Missy took me out with her this evening & we got back in dark sleeping time. When you come over ~ are you coming over? I hope so as I’d love to meet more Spaniels ~ you can meet our horses. PonyHorse chases dogs when she’s in fields, but doesn’t do much now she’s so fat. Baby Draught runs around, but Mummy Draught doesn’t play with us, or try to kick us, she’s boring Sooooooooooooooo tired, night night

  2. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Poppy’s got babies! Don’t know how, but she’s got all these wiggly things under her. They don’t have any eyes & Poppy won’t let me near them to play

  3. Zen says:

    Can we come and play with them? We like playing with Gizzy and he’s a puppy.

  4. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Mumma says that they are far too young & tiny to play with & they can’t see or walk. I wasn’t allowed to see them last night ~ Midnight & Rocky sneaked upstairs, but I went outside as nasty Arthur came in Craig’s house. They can’t be as pretty as me!

    Legs still hurt when I can persuade mumma to give me nicenies, but I’m much better now. Thank you for making Twiglet look after me

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