Bloggers United

Skoryy Lovok has his own blog at last – now he can tell us what he’s been up to…  We’ve added a link to his blog on our Blogroll.

We’re not talking to Mummy at the moment – she’s been attacking all those knots at the back of our ears and although it feels better now, we didn’t appreciate all that pulling about.  And Shandy and Casey aren’t talking to her either – after all the cold weather last week they are moulting again, so Mummy has been attacking them with a Furminator to remove all their loose hair.  In fact, Mummy is sitting in the lounge on her own….

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3 Responses to Bloggers United

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Your poor mummy. Mine took Chut’ty & left me all day, but I’ll lie at her feet on join her on the sofa later

  2. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Mumma put a link to your site in my links section

  3. Gizzy says says:

    Hope my mummy doesn’t read your blog and start on me and Sparky.

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