We haven’t worn our nosebands for over a week and it feels lovely!
Mummy had been using nosebands / headcollars on us whilst we were limping, and then when we were recovering from our ops and starting to walk again, and we just got used to them. But Mummy has decided that we should now be old / mature enough to walk nicely on a collar, so she’s stopped using the nosebands and started to teach us how to walk properly with a lead just attached to our collars. Zen still needs regular reminders not to pull, but I can walk nicely on a loose lead – providing I’m not distracted by cats, pigeons, people, dogs, ….
I’m sure there was a rabbit on our walk this evening. We were walking on one of the paths through the fields, and I’m sure I saw one jump out of the crops and stop on the path in front of us. But then Mummy called me, and I just had to turn round to look at her, and by the time I looked back the rabbit had gone. I’m sure it was there, and I wasn’t just imagining it – next time I’ll ignore Mummy and not take my eyes off it, just to make sure.
There probably was a rabbit & your mummy called you to distract you & frighten the rabbit away. It might have been a WereRabbit…..
Why would Mummy do that? She knows we love to chase rabbits.
Have you caught 1? What would you do if you did? What if it were a WereRabbit?
We haven’t caught a rabbit, although we nearly did when Gizzy started chasing one on Saturday and made it run in our direction. We ended up covered in those horrible sticky little things as we followed it into the undergrowth.