Week 6, Day 5

Yippee!  The nice vet has said that I can stay out of my cage – well, sort of.  He was a little worried that my elbow was still a little sore, and did consider making me stay in the cage for another 4 weeks, but Mummy persuaded him to reconsider, knowing how upset I would be.  So, I’m allowed to be out of the cage for a while each day, as long as I promise to rest in it at regular intervals (or Mummy makes me, if I don’t go in there voluntarily).

And the nice vet has also said that as Zen is walking 45-60 mins at a time without too much trouble, he can start having walks off the lead.

To celebrate, Mummy took us round to Grandma’s and Grandpa’s – well, we were all rather fed up at staring at the same 4 walls and garden for 10 weeks, and doing the same walk twice a day as we couldn’t go far.  And we got to play with cousins Gizzy and Sparky – who we haven’t seen for 10 weeks.

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