Deer Exchange

Zen decided that he didn’t want his walk to end today, and disappeared into the rape fields.  We only knew where he was when we saw the odd pheasant suddenly take to the skies, or the odd ear above the crops as he “sprung” on his way.  When Zen wouldn’t come when Mummy called him at the end of the walk she used her whistle to summon him – but instead of Zen coming, a deer responded and came trotting over.  What a choice – I know I would have missed my brother all day, but the thought of having a deer to play with did rather appeal…  I think Zen could tell what I was thinking, as he soon appeared and chased the deer away.  But boy was he wet, sticky and yellow from running in the crops – I hope he doesn’t expect me to cuddle him much before he gets a bath.

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3 Responses to Deer Exchange

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Did he cuddle up to you before his bath? We come in wet & muddy & expect mumma to love us

  2. Skoryy Lovok says:

    I’ve been trying to decide which of my siblings I’d swap for a deer. OT definitely, but he isn’t really part of my pack, though he’s convinced he is, puppy, but she might grow up to be fun… hmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. Hal says:

    I’m pleased I didn’t trade Zen in for that deer – I don’t think it would have played with me as well during the day.

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