Indian Summers

What a lovely day today.  We went back to Watergate Bay (but still didn’t find the gates) and had a lovely run on the beach.  Without Hal to play with (Mummy kept him on a tight lead whenever he was allowed out of his stroller) I kept taking myself off into the sea and playing with the waves.  Mummy did bring him in a couple of times, and we had a swim together – poor Mummy, she wasn’t wearing shorts at the time, so ended up with rather wet clothes…  I also found plenty of seagulls to chase – oh, that was great fun.

Mummy says that she was really proud of me today – Cousin Gizzy kept running after strangers, which Grandma didn’t like.  So Mummy sent me to fetch Cousin Gizzy and bring him back to us – and as soon as he got back, he ran off again, so for a 2nd time I had to chase after him and round him up.  I’ve never seen Mummy so proud of me before – I got loads of cuddles for that.

Here are our photos from today:

2010-09-09-02.jpg     2010-09-09-03.jpg     2010-09-09-05.jpg

2010-09-09-06.jpg     2010-09-09-09.jpg     2010-09-09-11.jpg

2010-09-09-01.jpg     2010-09-09-17.jpg     2010-09-09-18.jpg

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