Grandma Fun

We went round to Grandma’s again today to play with our cousins and go for a lovely walk in that nature reserve.  We certainly did lots of running – at one point Mummy and Grandma complained that they’d set out with 6 dogs and they had none to keep them company as we were off exploring, but we kept going back to check on them so I don’t think they were too upset.  Oh and what fun we had off exploring – all sorts of smells to investigate.  I also found some lovely mess to have a roll in – I don’t think Mummy was too impressed, especially as it got all under my ears. 

When we got back to Grandma’s, Mummy said it was bath for me – well, Grandma’s sink is even smaller than Mummy’s, but as it was only the front end that needed washing she got me to sit my back end on the side and my front paws in the sink, and then washed all round my ears.

We spent the evening recovering from our hectic day – here are a few photos of us (the rest can be seen in our photo album on our main site):

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One Response to Grandma Fun

  1. What fun we had over the holiday. It was nice having our cousins to play with.

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