Mummy did that clever thing again, where we fell asleep in Ireland, and when we woke up we were back in Wales. I wish I knew how she did that.
And then we had a long, long drive….
But we’re back home now, with our own garden and dog flap. It’s lovely to be home – we’ve been sitting out in the sun in the garden, making the most of the warmth and nice feeling. It was nice to see Skoryy, Twilight and the rest, but we did miss our own space and the warmer weather.
Mummy took us out for a walk round our normal fields this afternoon – we were hoping to see all of our friends, but we didn’t see any of them. How can we tell them about our adventures if we don’t get to see them? Still, Indie seemed to be pleased to have us home, barking through the garden fence – and we just had to bark back to let everyone know that we had returned home.
Please come back & see us again.